85.09 €
2 tk Laos / Koheselt saadaval
CNC M4A – PRO on Hop-Up kamber, mis on loodud koostöös Maxx Model Products brändiga. Ettevõte on tuntud tipptasemel tuuningosade pakkumise poolest airsofti replikatele, mis suudavad rahuldada ka kõige nõudlikumaid mängijaid. CNC M4A – PRO kambrit iseloomustab peaaegu täiuslik täpsus ja töötlus.
Kõrgeima kvaliteediga Hop-Up kamber, mis on mõeldud M4 / M16 replikate tuunimiseks. Maxx Model Products poolt toodetud hopup kambreid on loodud kõige nõudlikumatele mängijatele, pakkudes täpset töötlust ning HU süsteemi täiuslikku toimimist replikas.
– precisely made of a block of aviation aluminum using CNC technology
– compatible with M4 / M16 carbine replicas in the Tokyo Marui standard (including G&G or Krytac replicas, but NOT KWA)
– rotary knob for adjustment
– redesigned precise HopUp and 4mm Bucking Nubs levers (6mm versions are optional), ensuring trouble-free operation with standard and R-hop elastics
– Removable steel Pivot Pin for setup and maintenance
– works with nozzles with a length of 21.00mm to 21.25mm
– full compatibility with most soft and hard HU elastics available on the market, with zero FPS drops and balls falling out
– equipped with a special CNC Delrin Locking C-Clip, preventing vibration and barrel movement
– equipped with 2 compression springs at the top and in the middle of the chamber, ensuring a perfect and secure fit in the replica
– equipped with an 11mm Inlet Adapter for the gearbox (11.5 and 12mm versions available separately) to ensure the central arrangement of the nozzle in the chamber and reduce wobble
– added, replaceable brass side wings to improve the fit of the chamber in the outer barrel
– redesigned “BB Latching System“, preventing the BBs from falling out after removing the magazine from the replica
– The remie holding the BB’s can be pressed by hand to release the BB’s from the chamber
– possibility of mounting a BB tracer unit (not included)
Length: 51.65mm
Height: 37.75mm
Hub Outer Diameter (for the gearbox): 11mm
Hub Outer Diameter (for the outer barrel): 12mm
Hub Inner Diameter (to the nozzle): 8mm
Feeder Outer Diameter (for magazine): min 8.85mm
Feeder Length (for magazine): max 6mm
Execution: Aluminium 6061
The set includes:
1 x CNC chamber with BB Latching system
2 x clear CNC vinyl cover
2 x 2.5mm CNC Brass Side Wing
1 x Steel CNC Pivot Pin
1 x HopUp CNC aluminum arm
1 x Aluminum Soft Round Nub CNC
1 x Aluminum Soft Flat Nub CNC (4mm)
1 x Aluminum Hard Concave Nub CNC (4mm)
3 x steel Nub Spring
1 x steel CNC spring guide
1 x steel top compression spring
1 x steel central compression spring
1 x Delrin Locking C-Clip CNC
1 x Brass CNC Barrel Spacer
1 x Brass Spacer Holder Oring
1 x CNC aluminum adjustment knob
1 x Aluminum Inlet CNC Adapter (11mm)
1 x Brass Inlet Spacer CNC